Battlegroup42 Encyclopedia
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For historical information, the Internet has a page on Type 94 6-Wheeled Truck.

The Isuzu Type 94 is a Japanese truck.


Manufactured by Jidosha Kogyo ("Automative Industries"), which was renamed to Isuzu after the war, the Type 94 6-Wheeled Truck was one of the most common military trucks fielded by the Japanese army throughout World War II. It saw service not only as troop transport and logistics vehicle, but also as towing vehicle for larger guns or as self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

In BattleGroup42, the Type 94 has space for a driver and a passenger at the front, and four passengers at the back. As with any other troop transport in the mod, it can provide first aid and ammunition to its passengers, as well as repair for friendly vehicles in the vicinity. It is unarmed and unarmoured, therefore one should avoid direct engagement with enemy forces whenever possible.

It appears in various maps depicted throughout the war.


