Battlegroup42 Encyclopedia
History icon
For historical information, the Internet has a page on Panzerkampfwagen III (flamm).

Flammpanzer III is a German flamethrower tank.


The Flammpanzer III is a flamethrower tank modified from Panzer III Ausf M. The flamethrower replaces the 50mm KwK 39 L/60 tank gun, but the overall appearance remains unchanged, and the machine guns are retained as well. One hundred vehicles were converted, and were used in Italy and in the Eastern Front.

In BattleGroup42, the flamethrower is devastating to enemy infantry, bunkers and light vehicles, but it can overheat easily. Apart from its main armament, the Flammpanzer III has the same level of protection and mobility as the base Panzer III Ausf. M.

It can be found in maps such as 4312-Ortona and Stalingrad.

