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For historical information, Wikipedia has an article on Aichi E13A.

Aichi E13A is a Japanese seaplane.


The Aichi E13A was a long-range reconnaissance seaplane and armed with three 7.7mm machine guns: two at the front, and one facing rearward for the back passenger. The E13A fulfilled multiple roles through World War 2, not only as a ship-born catapult plane for reconnaissance, but also as coastal patrol and rescue plane. Special variants were even used in an anti-ship combat role with additional armament.

As with other seaplanes in BattleGroup42, it can act as a spotter and designate targets for artillery.

Currently, it appears just in 4112-Flying Tigers.


The model is a modified version of Aichi D3A1 which is based on the original Battlefield 1942's Aichival.

