Battlegroup42 Encyclopedia
History icon
For historical information, the Internet has a page on A History of the Royal Fusiliers Company Z.

When the Tigers Broke Free is a map set around Aprilia, Italy. It is fought between United Kingdom and Germany.


There are six control points in this map. The Germans start off with one uncapturable base and one control point, whereas the British have four control points to defend. A neutral control point sits between the British and German positions.

The German force initially suffers a ticket bleed, but this can be stopped once the British hold three or fewer control points. The British force will suffer a ticket bleed when the Germans hold four or more control points.


  • The name of the map comes from Pink Floyd's song of the same name, which describes the destruction of the Royal Fusiliers Z Company in Battle of Anzio. Roger Waters' father, Eric Fletcher Waters, was also killed in the battle.
  • There is a Pink Floyd Easter egg within the German base.

