Battlegroup42 Encyclopedia
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For historical information, the Internet has a page on The Battle in Volkhovsky Forest.

Valley of Death is a map set in Volkhovsky Forest near the town of Myasnoy Bor in Soviet Union. It is fought between Soviet Union and Germany.


The Germans start off with one uncapturable base in Myasnoy Bor. The Soviets have five control points to defend in the forest.

Either side can only cause a ticket bleed to the other side by holding all control points, making this scenario a potential battle of attrition.

Infantry takes the core role fighting in this map, with light armoured vehicles (ZiS-30 and T-20 for the Soviets, Sdkfz 251/10 and Munitionspanzer 38(t) for the Germans) and stationary weapons in control points supporting in tandem. The extremely dense forest can somewhat hinder vision and vehicle movement, hence situational awareness is crucial here.


  • Due to the large number of vegetation, it is recommended to play this map with a high-end computer in order to ensure smooth gameplay.

