Battlegroup42 Encyclopedia
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For historical information, the Internet has a page on Sd.Kfz.231 8-rad.

Sdkfz 233 is a German armoured car.


The Sdfkz 233 was a fire support variant of the Sdkfz 231 heavy reconnaissance armoured car, and instead of a fully traversable turret, the vehicle was armed with a 75mm KwK 37 L/24 gun in an open-topped superstructure. Its main role was to provide heavy firepower for infantry and other reconnaissance units.

In BattleGroup42, the Sdkfz 233 can deal splash damage with its high explosive rounds, which are effective against lightly armoured vehicles and groups of infantry. However, the vehicle is not armed with machine gun, and the sole operator is vulnerable to enemy fire, therefore it should be closely accompanied with other friendly units when engaging the enemy.

It makes appearance from late 1942 onward, such as 4401-Operation Shingle.

