Battlegroup42 Encyclopedia
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For historical information, the Internet has a page on BM-8-24.

BM-8-24 is a Soviet self-propelled artillery.


The designation BM-8-24 refers to a Soviet mobile launcher system armed with twenty four 82mm M-8 rockets, and while such launcher was usually mounted on the T-40 or the more common T-60 light tank chassis, truck-based systems also existed. These vehicles served as the Red Army's self-propelled rocket artillery in the early stages of the war until other platforms became more readily available.

The BM-8-24 featured in BattleGroup42 is a T-40-based system without amphibious capability. While its rockets are lighter than the BM-13 Katyusha, the vehicle is protected from small arms fire, and has better cross country capability than the larger truck-based counterparts.

It appears in early Eastern Front maps such as 4111-Rostov and 4112-Kalinin_Front.

