Battlegroup42 Encyclopedia
History icon
For historical information, the Internet has a page on the liberation of Mont-Saint-Michel.

Mont St Michel is a fictive map set around eponymous island in Normandy, France. It is fought between United States and Germany.


The Americans start off with one uncapturable base in the south. The Germans begin with four control points. The two control points at the outskirts of the island are neutral.

The Germans can inflict a ticket bleed on the Americans as long as they hold four or more control points. The Americans need at least five control points to inflict a ticket bleed on the Germans.

Parachute is disabled for this map. Infantry and tanks take the lead role in fighting here. The German force has the height advantage, with an excellent view on the American starting point. There are a lot of narrow spaces on the island, and the main entrance is a narrow choke point, making frontal assault difficult for the Americans. As a result, the attacking force should consider alternative routes into the German stronghold.

